CRANE is passionate about keeping every child and every adult beneficiary safe. Together we are a network of over 3,000 workers from 140 organisations, schools and churches who are working together for children. We can count 73,693 children at risk who are being directly impacted by CRANE. CRANE will continue to bring together childcare workers, duty bearers and other stakeholders for collaborative action so that we will see transformational change in the lives of children at risk.

CRANE was formed in 2004 and registered in 2006 with Kampala City Council as a CBO until 2011 when it became an NGO under Registration: No: S.5914/9186 with Uganda NGO Bureau and as a company Limited by Guarantee registration number 80020000712920

Our Mandate

Together we want to ensure three main outcomes for every child:

  1. Children Access Safe, Quality Education
  2. Children Enjoy Safe Spaces
  3. Children Live in Loving Families



  1. God fearing
  2. Networking
  3. Children as our most important citizens
  4. Christ like Response to needs of children at risk
  5. Quality Care.


Kampala; Wakiso; Mukono; Buikwe; Nakaseke

CRANE Statement of Faith

We believe:

  1. In the Holy Scriptures as originally given by God, divinely inspired, infallible, entirely trustworthy; and the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
  2. One God, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  3. Our Lord Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, His virgin birth, His sinless human life, His divine miracles, His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension, His mediatorial work, and His Personal return in power and glory.
  4. The Salvation of lost and sinful man through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ by faith apart from works, and regeneration by the Holy Spirit.
  5. The Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the believer is enabled to live a holy life, to witness and work for the Lord Jesus Christ.
  6. The Unity of the Spirit of all true believers, the Church, the Body of Christ.
  7. The Resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life, they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.


Being a member of CRANE means that you openly state your commitment to the other members in CRANE and to working together for the sake of children. Together we can make a powerful statement of unity as Christians in Uganda. Membership will help you to invest in strategic interventions for children. When members of CRANE share a common identity, a sense of belonging, a deeper commitment and trust of one another, better working relationships, new opportunities for joint impact so that together we will deliver a better quality of work for children.

Network members work together to plan and deliver joint strategies. The network is overseen by the Executive Board, which is made up on individuals elected by the members through a democratic process.

Download the Membership Application Form.


  • The Street connected Action Group.
  • Special Needs Action Group,
  • Education Action group,
  • Community Empowerment Action Group,
  • Church Action Group
  • Crisis Pregnancy Action Group

Ordinary Membership


Gold members:

  • These have achieved all of the Quality Improvement System Accountability Standards and will be eligible to nominate a representative for election to the Board or to chair a working group. Verification of these standards happen every three years.

Silver members:

  • These have achieved all of the Quality Improvement System Accountability Standards and will be eligible to nominate a representative for election to the Board or to chair a working group. Verification of these standards happen every three years.

Bronze members:

  • These have a Safeguarding policy in place, Committed to quality improvement and are welcome to attend all appropriate working groups.



Associate Membership

 These are individuals or corporates with similar aims and objectives but with no direct benefit and do not carry any voting right.

Honorary Membership

A person who has made “distinctive contributions” to the network or carries special attributes or professional capabilities that can enhance the well being of the network. They are valuable and can offer distinguished service to the Network as a profession or can scrupulously uphold the objects of the network.

Corporate Members

These are legally incorporated organization or government department that have assisted CHILDREN AT RISK ACTION NETWORK (CRANE) LIMITED in different capacities in a substantial manner, continued to associate and have been certified by the Board.


Areas Partner Membership (Ordinary)
Annual subscription 100,000 UGX
Policy conditions Must have a child protection policy and a governing body. Human resource policy and finance policy is an added advantage. The Secretariat will assist in improving these.
Visits Minimum 1 visit per quarter
News updates Monthly news bulletin
Collaborative Programmes Actively engaging in collaborative programmes. Programmatic training will be followed up with on-site visits and mentoring to help with implementation and Improvement
Board representation Member can have a representative stand for Board election who can then serve as per the constitution
Working Groups Opportunity to be a post holder on any of the working groups
Resource sharing Will be given opportunities to apply for all available resources and opportunities
Network identification Organization will be given a CRANE certificate and badge to identify them as a partner member.
Access to information All relevant non-personal information, such as research data, will be made available on request
Sanctions Partner status will be removed if criteria are breached.
Requirements Legal registration, certificates, official Address, Child protection policy and framework, organization profile staff and Board List and qualifications and positions.

Must be one that shares the same Christian values, and agrees to the network Statement of Faith

Contact Us

I would also recommend you to visit us on our social media platforms for more information.

Sign up for the newsletter
